
News & Events

Little step college of Education Recived a Letter of "Recognition for D.EL.ED" course from National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE).
Little step college of Education Recived a Letter of "Recognition for D.EL.ED" course from National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE).
Little step college of Education Recived a Letter of "Recognition for D.EL.ED" course from National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE).
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Psychological Lab


  1. Teaching Attitude Scale   
  2. Stress Scale For Student-Teacher   
  3. Work Motivation Scale   
  4. Figural Test Of Intelligence   
  5. Test Of Creative Thinking (Hindi)   
  6. Test Of Creative Thinking (English)   
  7. Constructivist Learning Environment   
  8. Examination Stress Scale   
  9. Teaching Self Efficiency Inventory   
  10. Test of General Mental Ability   
  11. Test of Emotional Creativity   
  12. Personality Inventory (English)   
  13. Personality Inventory (Hindi)   
  14. Non-verbal Test of Intelligence   
  15. Leadership Style Scale (Hindi)   
  16. Leadership Style Scale(English)   
  17. Extroversion Introversion   
  18. Rating Scale   
  19. A New Test of For Study of Value   
  20. Reasoning Ability Test   
  21. General Mental Ability Test   
  22. Rating Scale   
  23. Sociometry   
  24. Short Term Memory   
  25. Long Term Memory   
  26. A New Test of Creativity   
  27. Teaching Aptitude Test Battery   
  28. Multidimensional Personality   
  29. Adjustment Inventory   
  30. Verbal Concept Formation Scale   
  31. Achievement Motivation Scale   
  32. Mathematical inventory   
  33. Clinical Case Study   
  34. Aggression Scale   
  35. Youth Problems   
  36. T.P.C.S.   
  37. Manifest Anxiety Scale   


  1. Bhatia Battery Performance Test Of Intelligence   
  2. Finger Maze (E)   
  3. Human Maze-Pointed (E)   
  4. Mirror Drawing App. (E)   
  5. Memory Drum-Apparatus   
  6. Photograph of Eminent Psychologist   


Our Staff

Chandrakant Borkar

B.Ed, M.Ed
5 yrs

Mr. Devendra Thakre

B.Ed, M.Ed

Miss Deepa Deshmukh

B.Ed, M.Ed

Miss Lata Khadse

B.Ed, M.Ed

Ms. Ranu Thakur

B.Ed, M.Ed
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“You’ve got to get up every morning with determination if you’re going to go to bed with satisfaction.” – George Lorimer.....“Successful and unsuccessful people do not vary greatly in their abilities. They vary in their desires to reach their potential.” – John Maxwell.....“Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently.” – Henry Ford.....“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” – Thomas A. Edison.....